Newlands Supported Accommodation
About the project
Newlands provides supported accommodation for young people primarily aged 18-24 and up to 25, offering a secure and stable home - where young people can live and learn.
The average stay is around 1-2 years (depending on young person's progress and availability of move-on accommodation). During this time our team works intensively with young people so they develop the knowledge and skills to move on into independence.
We have 36 self-contained studio flats which are let on licences and a crash-pad flat with 5 bedrooms and shared facilities.
Every young person living at Newlands receives a tailor-made package of support comprising of :
1-2-1 key-work using a coaching approach so young people work towards their goals
A life skills training programme teaching independent living skills, working towards further education and employment
Opportunities to influence our project through group resident's meetings
Access to specialist and therapeutic services
Benefits and money advice
Tenancy sustainment, move-on and transitional support
As a youth charity and young people’s housing association, young people’s views and ideas are central to all we do. Young people who successfully complete their stay with us are nominated for move on accommodation with Southend Borough Council.
To be eligible you must have a local connection (to Southend), this means you must meet one or more of the following conditions:
Applicants are normally resident in Southend borough. Normally resident will typically be continuously for the past 3 years, or 3 of the last 5 years and must be settled accommodation.​
Applicants are normally resident in Southend borough. Typically you will have been resident continuously for the past 3 years, or 3 of the last 5 years and this must be in settled accommodation.
Applicants must work in Southend for 16 hours or more per week and have done so for 3 months prior to application. Verification or substantive employment will be required at the point of application and point of offer.
Accommodation Floor Plan

If you live at Newlands we will support you to lead a healthy and independent life in our safe and protected environment.
We offer housing with support and it is a condition of living with us that young people must engage with our support offer and comply with our house rules.
Why? Because we want each young person to succeed.
This means that we will work with you so you can develop the knowledge and skills to move to independence when you are ready.
There is a lot to learn, from managing money and budgeting, understanding and complying with what it means to be a tenant, through to looking after your health, being a good citizen and employee.
Moving to independence and assuming adult responsibilities is a big task and there are a lot of things to work through. From going to college, volunteering and starting employment, making positive and informed choices, through to what it means to hold a tenancy agreement and work with your future landlord to avoid homelessness.

"Newlands...a space to live, learn and earn"
How to apply
Our accommodation is accessed via the Southend Access Panel. The panel is comprised of the main organisations that provide supported accommodation in Southend. If you would like to make an application you must have a local connection (as described above):
The panel meets every two weeks to consider all homelessness applications and decisions are based on the needs and strengths of each applicant.
For assistance please contact The Southend Access Point, Southend Borough Council, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend on Sea SS2 6ER. Telephone: 01702 534918. Email: accesspoint@southend.gov.uk
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