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Bump to Breast

About the project

Started in 2018 and funded by A Better Start Southend, Bump to Breast provides friendly and welcoming breastfeeding support groups at various Southend locations each week, where people can meet others who are breastfeeding their little ones, ask questions and receive advice and support. Families are welcome both before and after their babies arrive.


Our weekly group sessions are:

  • Mondays, 10 AM – 12 PM, at the Southend YMA Eco Hub, 2a St John's Rd, Westcliff-on-Sea.

  • Tuesdays, 10 AM – 12 PM, at the ABSS Community Hub at SAVS on Alexandra Street in Southend.

  • Wednesdays, 10–11 AM, at the Friars Family Centre in Shoebury. Additionally, on the second Wednesday of the month, we meet at Queen Bees Café in Shoebury at 11:30 AM.

  • Thursdays, 10 AM – 12 PM, at the Plaza Centre Community Café.

  • We also meet for coffee and a chat on the last Friday of the month at Cliffs Pavilion Café from 10 AM – 12 PM. Everyone is welcome, and the coffee’s on us!

We have a regular presence at Southend Storehouse family session on Wednesday mornings as well, with breastfeeding information available, and can provide simple breast pumps for free to those who need them.


How we can help

We know that breastfeeding improves health outcomes for babies in many ways and that many families aim to breastfeed. Breastmilk contains antibodies that protect babies against viruses and bacteria, as well as providing a wide range of other health benefits including reducing the risk of SIDS, reducing childhood cancers, reducing obesity and diabetes risk, and helping babies’ mouth and jaw development. In addition to this, breastfeeding removes the worry for families about sourcing formula milk and can be a useful parenting tool. We are able to support families with mixed feeding, increasing milk supply and expressing, as well as positioning and attachment, different feeding positions, thrush and mastitis, and strategies to help with nighttime feeds, as well as helping parents to link with a supportive breastfeeding community.


We run a six-session breastfeeding training course. based on UNICEF materials, for those who may be interested in volunteering to help others with breastfeeding. Please email for more details about this. As well as our weekly groups, we also have regular cafe trips and other special events, craft mornings and creative projects.


There is also a useful Facebook page, Bump to Breast, with plenty of helpful information about what's on, as well as specially made videos on a range of breastfeeding topics. We are also on Instagram as bumptobreastsouthend, and families are welcome to message us on our social media pages for advice and support.


  • Facebook
  • Instagram

"I cannot thank the wonderful pair of fabulous ladies enough, for their welcome, listening ear, support and advice that I received instantly from them both. The relief I instantly felt from their advice and support is priceless! I'd highly recommend the group to all."

(a review from our Facebook page)

In association with
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Want to be a part of something special?

Contact us today about this project...


Phone: 07867379614 (Eleanor, Amy and Justyna)

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